Friday, November 6, 2009

Life's Lessons

I did an assignment in high school once that was simply a list of 100 things I had learned. It was an eye-opening assignment, and gave me a chance to be insightful. Since this is kind of a journal to me, I wanted to start recording little things that I learn every day. Here are a few to start out.

I've learned that if I change Kambria's diaper right after she wakes up from a nap, she will pee all over the changing table as soon as I take her diaper off.

I've learned that if you pray for Heavenly Father to help you be a better person, He will give you more opportunities to be a better person. AKA challenges and trials.

I've learned that if I want something done the way I want it done, I have to do it.

I've learned that fresh air can do a world of good for a rough day.

I've learned that there will ALWAYS be dishes to be done, so just do them because I love having a clean kitchen.

I've learned that Kambria needs me to get down on the floor and play with her just as much as she needs me to feed her and take care of her physical needs.

I've learned that I have never been happier than I am now being a stay-at-home mom.

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