Friday, August 28, 2009

The Past 4 Months Have Flown!

Since I'm not pregnant anymore and didn't want to post on my pregnancy blog, I started a new blog! This is where I plan on writing some of my thoughts and experiences as a new mom. It has always been my dream to be a mom and I am so so so grateful that I was blessed with this opportunity. It can be very challenging, and I have my share of bad days, but I always remind myself that this is what I signed up for and that this is what Heavenly Father has planned for me.

Kambria is 4 months old and is learning and growing every day. It has been so fun to watch her change and her personality develop. Here are a few things about her:
She is super active
She has perfected the skill of rolling from her back to her belly
She loves toys that make noise, whether it's music, a rattle, or especially crinkly noises
She babbles a lot
She loves to grasp things
She has a little blanket (the wubbie) that comforts her when she's fussy

Well, I can't go back and write every little thing about her first 4 months of life, but I hope to document things here that are too precious to forget. I'll end this post by saying that she has a clear sense of who her daddy and mommy are, and she gets kinda clingy around strangers. But let me just say that her face lights up when she sees one of us. There's nothing like that in the whole world!